Of Work

Flitetec Scope Of Work

The Production and Repair/Maintenance of Non-Structural Aircraft Cabin Interiors, principally including; Plastic Mouldings and Assemblies, Non-Structural Component Assemblies, Privacy Door Locks and Latches, and Seat Refurbishments. All Produced and Repaired to EASA/CAA Approved Design Data, using materials conforming to EASA Requirements, pertinent to the Part 21 and Part 145 Approvals held.

Approved Design Data

Flitetec has the capability to release parts with an EASA Form 1, working in conjunction with approved Sub-Part J Companies.

Flitetec has an established relationship with our preferred Sub-Part J Companies, where Flitetec Design Data is required for either reverse engineered or brand new designs.

Flitetec also has the ability to work with Customer Design Data, establishing a DOA / POA Arrangement with the specific Design House i.a.w. EASA Requirements; pertinent to the Customers Requirements.

Approval Download Request Form